What we are excited about.
+ Success of our first product collection (filmmaker).
+ Anamorphic design was new and different design challenge.
+ Lots of momentum on the capture app.
+ Battery case fixes were challenging but we made solid progress.
+ Team picking up each other’s projects and running with them.
+ Successful Moment Invitational being first of its kind.
+ Shipping multiple content campaigns without sacrificing quality.
+ Launched Marketplace and first 2 collections.
+ Team dynamic, growing and working well together.
+ Processes are improving.
+ System Improvements - Craft 3, Homepage Banners, Navigation Updates
+ What we want to get better at.
+ Organization of projects and folders.
+ Material definition and sourcing up front so we don’t lose time on schedule.
+ Customer support consistency.
+ Being more clear with suppliers on expectations during sample rounds.
+ Planning and gathering assets for campaigns earlier.
+ Prioritization - not letting small fixes delay larger initiatives.
After a long day of traveling we barbecued together, hung out, and went to bed fairly early.